Monday, June 30, 2014

Captain America The Winter Soldier Nail Art

Hello, everybody! I thought this nail art was an appropriate way to kick off this week's slough of patriotic nail art. I mean, what superhero is more appropriate for July 4th than Captain America?!?!

Those of you who follow me on Instagram are likely aware that I attended the Philadelphia Wizard World Convention. Philly Wizard Con is essentially the Philly version of Comic Con, on a significantly smaller scale. However, in spite of that, there were still a lot of amazing guests at the convention. In particular, Matt Smith and Karen Gillan (of Doctor Who fame), a huge chunk of the Walking Dead cast, Nathan Fillion, Christopher Lloyd, David Boreanaz, Whoopi Goldberg (because she was in a few Star Trek films as Guinian), and a slough of others were there.

I left out two men who I was fortunate enough to have my photo taken with: Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie, who played Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier and Sam Wilson/Falcon, respectively, in the most recent Captain America movie.

Knowing that I would have this opportunity, I wanted to do some Captain America-themed nail art that incorporated both men's characters.

And I was pretty happy with the end result.

So was Anthony Mackie, who proceeding to grab my hand and shove it in Sebastian's face, yelling exuberantly. You'll see why in a moment.

The thumb nail is inspired by Cap's shield, the index finger inspired by The Winter Soldier's bionic arm, the middle finger (and the reason for Mackie's screaming) is inspired Falcon's wings, the ring finger is the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo, and the pinky finger is Black Widow's symbol from the comics.

For the record, Anthony was repeatedly referencing my middle finger and yelling, "DUDE! That's. ME! That's Falcon!"

And Sebastian agreed that they were cool.

In case you were wondering, they both smelled FANTASTIC and Sebastian looks like he stepped out of a J.Crew catalog. Even my grandmother was swooning.

And just for you guys... because I know 'pictures or it didn't happen...'


  1. I love that they appreciated your nail art! My favorite is the thumb!

  2. i need to get on my july 4th mani. im really slacking right now.
