Happy Independence Day! I hope no one has singed themselves with fireworks! I got stung by a bee (a yellow jacket) today for the first time in my life, which was pretty interesting.
It was the first time I had ever gotten stung (side of my bicep, near my elbow) and while I was allergic, I didn't go into shock or anything. I just broke out in a rash from elbow to wrist. And while a little Benedryl cleared that up, I did require a bag of frozen blueberries to ice my arm! It also afforded me a nice little nap on a lounge chair by the pool, which was nice.
Anyhoo... I wanted to do something fun for Hump Day Holo that was July 4th themed, but didn't want to repeat my Memorial Day Manicure or go cliche with the flag.
So I grabbed a-England Tristam, OPI DS Ruby, and my white Stripe Rite bottle... and went to work.
The tips are Tristam with the swipes of Ruby and white. I wanted something that had some pop (you can see the sparkle of Tristam's holo glitter), but that I could get away with wearing for a few days. The hardest part was the white swipe with my It's So Easy striping brush, which thins out towards the left side of the nail. The Ruby stripe was not only pretty, but helpful, as it helped even out any errors I made with Tristam. My base, for the record, was my go-to nude: Zoya Audrey.
I think that if this wasn't a holiday, it would have a very nautical feel to it!
I would definitely like to do this manicure again with some different colors. Have any suggestions? Leave them in the comments section!
Princess Polish