Happy Saturday! I hope you're all enjoying your weekend!
As many of you know from the Princess Polish Facebook page, I spent a few days on vacation in Atlantic City for my sister's Nationals dance competition.
And considering the fact that it was my first time in Atlantic City since I turned 21 in April 2011, I had to rock something cool on my nails to bring me luck.
So I broke out HITS Mari Moon Trendy, my Stripe Rite in red and black, along with my striping brush/dotting tool, and went to work!
And here was the end result! I incorporated the card suits of hearts and clubs, along with poker chips, and a blackjack hand! I went with an Ace and a ten because that would be easier to draw than any face cards!
Unfortunately, I didn't do very well in Atlantic City as far as gambling went... BUT I did come home with five new pairs of shoes, a new pair of pants, new headphones, and new glasses! And that was money better spent than the $30 I lost at the slots.
Still, I can't wait to head back to AC with my friends later in the summer for hopefully some better luck in the casino.
See you all tomorrow!
Princess Polish